Worried that you've been hooking up with a fvckboy? We're here to help. There are so many actions and words that only a fvckboy would do or say, and we've listed all of them down for you. This is one thing that can go unnoticed for a while, but we will explore the fvckboy and how you will be able to tell whether or not you are hooking up with one. There are so many clear signs that once you put all of the pieces we are going to give you together, it will be obvious. Hooking up with or even dating a fvckboy can only end one way - in despair. Of course it's more heart wrenching if you have real feelings for them, but if you can avoid it and continue to hook up, you'll be in the clear! When you are fooling around with a fvckboy, there are chances that they are seeing other people as well without you knowing. This can cause problems later on if he isn't being safe with one or more of the people he is hooking up with along side you.
This is one of the number one signs to knowing that you are fooling around with a fvckboy. To them, you are not important enough to their life to hang out with you during the day. Normally, days are full of work and business. If he is not trying to squeeze time in for you, it means that he is not very interested. The difference between a man who is not interested and a fvckboy who is not interested, is that the man will tell you that he isn't. A fvckboy will not. They will string you along so that they have you on the side whenever they may need you. They will make you like them enough just to hold onto you for a while longer.
Talk is cheap. If all he does is talk and tell you about how much he likes you and the different things he wants to do with you, then he is a fvckboy. Only someone who really cares about you will want to take you out places and do exciting things with you. If someone is only talking about it, it means that they just want you to stay interested in them. This can mean a lot when it comes to knowing whether or not someone is just playing around with you or if they are serious. Some things that you will get used to hearing are "we should hang out" and then never hear anything from them until you initiate conversation. Instead of saying, "What are you doing on Saturday night?" he will say, "Let me know when you are free". This shows that he is not only a fvckboy but he also isn't serious about getting together with you. Someone who really wants to hang out or hook up asks a time and place.
If he uses terms like "Bros Before Hoes", he is a fvckboy for sure! Something that a lot of fvckboys do is ghost on you for a few days and don't respond even if you are texting them. After a few days they will finally respond and act like nothing ever happened. They will not give an excuse or anything. They don't care.
When you start hooking up with someone, questions that are often asked are, "Are you seeing anyone else?" or "Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?"... They seem like appropriate questions since some people aren't comfortable being one of many, but sometimes guys don't like answering them because they have something to hide. If a guy answers one of these questions with "Don't worry about it" or "You don't need to know that", he is definitely a fvckboy and needs to be put in his place! If he is saying this to you, there is a good chance that he is saying it to all of the women in his life. If he has trouble giving you straight answers, he is a fvckboy for sure!
There is a very slim chance that all of his exes can be as crazy as he says they are. If he goes on and on about how all of his exes are crazy, and they all lied and cheated on him and made him feel awful, there is a chance that he could be lying. Sometimes if someone a liar and cheater they like to put those things on other people to make themselves look more innocent than they actually are. If every single one of his ex girlfriends are crazy according to him, there is a good chance that he is the crazy one. Not only is he the crazy one, but he's also a fvckboy.
His friends can be huge indications of whether or not your suspicions of him being a fvckboy are true or not. It's said that you are who you hang out with, and in this case it is very true. If you don't like his friends, there is a chance that he is only acting a certain way around you so that you like him enough to hook up with him. If his friends have trouble making eye contact with you, it may be because he is also hooking up with other people. Of course, if you are casual, this shouldn't be much of an issue but if you are getting more serious with him, you should re-think some things. If his friends don't know about you/haven't heard anything about you these are signs that he doesn't care, or that he is also seeing other people and don't want his friends to know about it.
Not knowing what you're going to do with your life and having no ambition are two separate things. If you aren't sure about what you are going to do, it means that you are actually thinking about what you are going to do. If you've been stuck in the same job for years, complain about it everyday and wonder why things don't happen for you, you have no ambition. Ambitious people go after the things they want with no apologies. If he has been working the same dead end job, complains about it but does nothing to move forward, he is a fvckboy!
He is never concentrating on you. Of course, if you are only hooking up, you don't have to be his main focus, but it would be nice if he were to put his phone down every once in a while. Even for the hour the two of you are together a week he is continuously on his phone making sure that his Instagram is up to par, and is texting his friends to make sure their club plans are set for this weekend. If he is constantly concentrating on things other than you when you are together, he is a fvckboy! Stay away!
If your hookup is constantly taking too long to respond to texts or are constantly not responding to texts or phone calls, but always seems to be on the phone when he's with you, he's a fvckboy! Texting is so easy and if yours are going unnoticed for days until he wants something from you, show him how it feels and don't text him back... again. Hit him with the "new phone, who this" line. There is no room in your life for fvckboys!!!
You know those guys - the ones constantly asking for nudes... well, those guys are called fvckboys. Unless you are into the whole sending nudes thing, keep away from these guys! What's worse than a guy asking for nudes? A guy who gets nudes and shows all of his friends. When you are in a trusting relationship with someone whether it is monogamous or not, nudes are fine. If you are hooking up with someone and don't know them very well, nudes can be a little inappropriate unless you are willing to show your body off for free. If there is a guy who is constantly asking for nudes whether you are hooking up with him or not, he is definitely someone you don't want to be hanging around with let alone hooking up with.
Ah, the king of all fvckboys! "I don't believe in labels". This is the easy way to force a partner (casual or monogamous) that you have a strong belief that you don't want people to know that you are together. They also don't want anyone to know what you guys are if you are anything at all. We must admit, labels can do some pretty crazy stuff when you get into relationships or marriages, it has been said that sometimes labels can ruin things, so there can be a reason why some people wouldn't believe in them, but theres a difference between not wanting to put a label on something for the sake of saving a relationship as a pose to not wanting to put a label on something for the sake of not having to tell anyone you are with someone. You can always tell the difference!
Finding out that you're hooking up with a fvckboy can leave a sour taste in your mouth. Even though you're just hooking up, it is still not the kind of person you really want to be hanging around in the first place. There are so many ways to figure out if you are hooking up with one. We hope that all of the information attached to this article helped you or a friend figure out whether or not you've been hooking up with a fvckboy... He only wants to see you at night. This can go for someone who is also only interested in hooking up with you. This isn't only a quality of a fvckboy. He's all talk. Whenever he says anything, it's bull. If he talks about taking you out or seeing you again, he usually never remembers. He also doesn't try getting together. He says that he wants to see you, but when it comes time to, he doesn't respond. If he is constantly on his phone when the two of you are together, but doesn't seem to text you back, he is a fvckboy! If he has annoying friends who seem like they are fvckboys themselves, he is probably one too. If he is always claiming that his exes were all crazy, he is probably the crazy one. If someone feels rejected by someone they love, they usually take it out on them by trying to make them seem like a bad person or "crazy" to others. It is usually all lies. If he says that every single one of his exes are crazy, they probably aren't. If you've found out from this article that you have been hooking up with a fvckboy, it could be worse. You could be in a relationship with one! We hope you've gotten what you needed from this article. To read more, click the links below for more advice on love, sex and relationships!
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