In today's day and age, Facebook and social media are part of modern dating and relationships and it is hard to get away from it. People are constantly sharing their new and old relationships and funny photos of their partners on Facebook so that everyone that they know can see how happy they are. Social media is used as a way to communicate with people when you do not see them every day, and tagging your relationship lets other people know how important your relationship is to you. For some people, tagging the relationship is a very serious step.
If you want to figure out if you should tag your relationship on Facebook, you need to take a look at your relationship and define it. Tagging your relationship is when you put your partner's name on photos and posts on social media. Some people will make the decision based on how long that they have been together while others will tag a relationship only after they have told their family and friends that they are dating someone new. Tagging your relationship on social media can also make other people feel like you are bragging about not being single anymore. However, people also believe that if you overshare on Facebook then there is something wrong with your relationship and you want people to think that there is not just to make yourself feel better.
Whatever the perspective, tagging on social media is an important milestone of modern dating and shows how serious the relationship really is. You would not tag casual hookups since you are not planning on being in a serious relationship with them. You should only tag someone that you are in a committed and monogamous relationship with. To figure out if you should tag your partners on Facebook, you need to understand what this means for your relationship and what kind of message you are sending to the world. Tagging your relationship sends a clear message to other people that you are no longer single and also who your partner is. It lets everyone know that you are in a relationship and invites them to find out more about this person by checking out their Facebook page.
The length of your relationship can help you determine whether or not you should tag and post about it on Facebook. Today, everyone is casual dating or using the Internet for online hookups and while some of these may turn into long-term relationships, they usually do not start out that way. Facebook keeps track of everything in your life and then tells the people on your private feed who you are dating. You do not want to share your hookups with every single person on Facebook because you are not in a serious relationship and you do not want people to ask about them. Also, you probably do not want to share how many people that you have had sex with. That is why many people will choose to private their activity on Facebook.
If you have been dating for at least 3 months, you can start tagging them on Facebook. This is a casual way to tell a lot of people that you are dating someone without making it a big deal. By tagging them you can also show people what they look like without having to pull out any embarrassing photos. Making a relationship Facebook official is a major milestone and you should only do it if you are serious about your partner. If you break up, you will probably delete those photos from your Facebook which invites people to ask what happened. You do not want to tag a relationship that has only been going on for two weeks no matter how madly in love you are because you never know how long it will last and you do not want people to judge. The beginning of a new relationship is also a time that should be spent together, getting to know each other and just enjoying being together, and inviting other people to comment on it can cause problems.
The reason that people tag their relationships is so that they can tell the people in their lives about their relationship at one time, or to brag about how happy they are with old friends or exes. The important thing to ask yourself is who has access to your Facebook and do you want them to know that you are dating someone. If you have your parents or other family members as friends on your Facebook then they are going to ask questions about what you post. If you do not want them to know about your relationship for whatever reason, then you should not tag the relationship on social media.
Also, when you make a status update on Facebook, people are invited to comment on it by leaving a message underneath the post. It is hard to hide things on Facebook and your friends and family can keep track of everything that you do or any changes that you make. That means that you are opening up your relationship to criticism and judgment. When you tag your relationship on Facebook, you are inviting your friends and family to go to their page and look up their photos and posts and your partner might not be very comfortable with that. If you are still friends with your exes or people that you do not talk to anymore then sharing this kind of personal relationship and information could be a problem and they might be tempted to message you or write nasty comments about your relationship.
You do not want to reveal that you are dating someone new on Facebook if your parents do not know. Dating, in the beginning, should be kept private at least for the first few months but around this time you should also consider introducing your partner to your parents. This shows that you are interested in a long-term commitment to them rather than being just one of their casual hookups. Revealing your partner to your parents is a personal situation and should be done in person and off of social media. If neither of you has met each other's parents at least, you should not be tagging your relationship. If you tag about your relationship on Facebook and his parents do not know, this can cause a lot of arguments and difficulties with your relationship. You want to make sure that both of you are ready to meet your parents and ready to make this kind of commitment.
If you think that an in-person meeting is too intense for your new relationship, pick up the phone and tell your parents about your partner instead. They will ask questions and want to meet them and this can help make you feel more comfortable with them knowing that you are dating someone. If the opinions of your family are important to you, consider introducing them to your partner in person before you tag your relationship on Facebook. Chances are they are going to ask about the relationship anyways but this will help cut down on them feeling neglected or hurt by your choice not to tell them in person. Tagging your relationship on Facebook does not only affect you but also your partner and their family as well.
People are nosy and they love to share their opinions and social media makes this even easier to do. Facebook invites people to make comments on other people's personal lives and choices. While in most cases, these comments are usually positive, but sometimes there are people who will say negative things. Maybe they will make a comment on your status but they might also send you a personal message. No matter what, any time you post something on social media, it opens up a discussion with your friends and family and even your partner's friends and family since you have tagged them. You want your friends and family to like your partner and to support your relationship but you should be prepared when you post on social media just in case not everyone is happy for you. If you are ready for that kind of scrutiny and discussion, then you can consider tagging your relationship on Facebook.
If you are planning on tagging your relationship on Facebook, you should be aware that nothing you post is private anymore. People who are genuinely happy with their partner do not feel the need to post about their partner or their relationship on Facebook and if you post a lot, then people might send you messages asking you if something is wrong. Since they can see everything that you post, you need to be careful about how much you reveal about your relationship. You need to have thick skin if you want to share things on social media and if you are not comfortable with sharing your partner or personal things, then you should avoid tagging your relationship on Facebook.
The number one thing that you need to remember before you tag your relationship on Facebook is to ask your partner first. You should never post anything about them without their permission. There are many reasons why someone would not want to tag their relationship on social media. Maybe they have not told their parents yet, maybe they do not want their exes to know or they are just a private person. You never want to do things that would make your partner uncomfortable or unhappy so be cautious and make sure that you ask before sharing information on social media. Relationships should be kept private until both partners have discussed it together.
Although there is an option on Facebook where you can private the types of things that you post, it defeats the purpose of sharing it on Facebook. Instead, to keep the relationship private, you should keep the photos to yourself until the two of you have discussed what type of relationship you have and how comfortable you are with sharing it on Facebook. Not everyone appreciates public declarations of love or affection and it might cause arguments with your new relationship. Posting without their permission could also be considered an invasion of privacy. It opens up their profile to every one of your friends and they might not be comfortable with that.
If you are spending hours on social media and Facebook, you might feel the need to tag your relationship on every post that you make. These posts and comments are not private and everyone will be able to see them. While it might seem fun to tag your partner and send them messages on social media, this could cause problems for your relationship. If you and your partner are constantly communicating with social media, then you are probably not communicating in person. Over time, you will begin to define your relationship based on comments that people make on social media and how many likes your posts get. Social media and Facebook should not be the basis of your relationship and how happy it makes you.
If you want to keep your relationship stable, you need to limit what you share about your partner on Facebook. Drawing too much attention to your relationship and it makes you look desperate and like you are trying to hide something. But if you want to tag your relationship because you are happy and want people to know it, you should only do it in small doses. People in real relationships who care about each other do not need to post about their private business or relationship on Facebook because they know that they are happy.
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