Many people can actually relate to the fact that while you are dating this guy, he appears to be the perfect dating solution. He constantly text you and he pretty much says all the things that are right to you. He makes you feel like you are the one and only and he pampers you like a princess. He talks to you about both of your futures and it makes you think that you finally struck gold, right? Before you are aware of it, you find yourself daydreaming about what his surname and your name will really sound like, if you were to end up being married. You even think about the house that you both will share and all that other stuff that completes the white picket fence. But, you are tripping, right? It doesn't take you long to find out whether he is the ONE or not!
Suddenly, it is like a freight train hit you. He stops responding to your text messages because he knows that he is emotionally unavailable and you may be coming on too strong. But, you find that you are attracted to men like these and you just cannot help yourself. You realize that he is emotionally unavailable because he appears to have less interest in you as your interest increases. He no longer talks about the future plans he has for both of you.
He finally disappears out of your life...kaput...gone! You are sure he is not dead. You are hoping nothing terrible has occurred to explain his disappearance. But, one day, you decided to check his social media page and find that he is still active up to an hour before you checked. OMG! Now you know for sure that he has been avoiding you like the plague, but why? It could be that you are falling for him and he knows it can't happen. Does that ring true in your ears?
Most women want to have that perfect relationship or connection and so when a man comes
along and says the right things that she wants to hear, nine times out of ten, women
will fall for it, even when the man is emotionally unavailable.
Women are
initially attracted to the type of men that do not want to settle down or commit to
a relationship.
He could also be dating someone else or just married.
But, she may feel that the challenge of getting him to commit to her or be with her
exclusively is enough reason to fall for him. For the woman who is insecure and thinks
that she cannot be loved by an available man, she is at her most vulnerable and will be
the first to fall for an unavailable man. She also might believe she can fix him or fix
the situation.
A woman that falls for an emotionally unavailable man is the kind of woman that loves to
feel important. For many women, it is easy to believe his hype at first and play into
his game. He pulled out all the stops for you and you bought it hook line and sinker.
Yes, he is good at gaining your attention and you are looking for the attention. When he
makes you feel as if you are the only woman in his world, you fall for it.
It is
difficult to avoid falling for this emotionally unavailable guy and so the
predictable minor heartbreak ensues. Most of the time, it is the yearning for any kind
of attention that makes this unavoidable.
To most women, the idea of having a close connection to a man is significant and this is especially true when you have problems with low self esteem and obvious insecurities. With these issues, it is easy to fall for an emotionally unavailable man. You may go out of your way to prove to this man that you are worthy of his attention. After investing so much of your time chasing him, you are not ready to give up because you are seeking any kind of pay off to improve your self-esteem. Low self-esteem keeps women falling for these guys that won't commit and she cannot help herself, even though, she might be left hanging and hurt over choosing an asshole.
Your self-worth hinges on his acceptance and you invest so much time in winning him over, but find that he is elusive and the idea of chase to get him is enough reason to pursue him. We all know that it is the man who loves the thrill that it gives when he chases a woman. But, it is the same for women, even though, they probably won't admit this. It gives both genders a rush to know that they are pursuing someone they want, but a man who is emotionally unavailable. These women are seeking a sense of validation. If you would be honest to yourself, you would remember the real crush that you had in high school. Can you remember why you were even attracted to him in the first place? It was the thrill of obtaining something so unattainable that caused you to want him so much, even though, you know he may not be good for you.
When you enter into a relationship where the man is emotionally unavailable, you might be thinking what you can do to tame this 'bad boy.' And so it is unavoidable for you to pursue him because you actually think that you can change him. No, you can't, if he doesn't want to change. If he is a cheater, you think you can get him to stop his cheating ways. If he drinks a lot, you may think you are the twelve step program that he needs. You might not be able to tame this beast, but it takes you too long to realize and before you know it, you are caught up in a world wind of frustrations.
It is unavoidable to fall for an emotionally unavailable man, if you are not conscious and aware emotionally. A woman who is not stable emotionally will always fall for such a guy. This is true for the woman coming out of a past bad relationship and becomes vulnerable to falling for these types of men. If you are not in tune with your emotions, you will be easy to get hurt by men.
There are some women that love the chase. She loves the idea of being in an uncertain relationship. She also likes the idea of being complimented and having someone that wants a future with her, even if it sounds unrealistic. She has already started to believe the crap from the 'get go.' The feeling of importance is sexy to her and she thinks what woman wouldn't want this? She loves to be chased and will tolerate anything to feel like she finally met someone that wants her.
Many women depend on their radar to detect the kind of men that they want and of course, they may have always had an emotionally available man on that radar so that is what the radar is picking up. Most of the time, these women think that they will know the right person when he comes along. They walk around thinking that their radar will help them to make the distinction, detection and connection. Many go by their feelings instead of what is realistic. The radar will usually detect an emotionally unavailable dude because the woman might be engulfed in a cycle of being abandoned and every time, the next guy comes along, she thinks he is the one.
Many women fall for the emotionally unavailable and elusive man because they have past issues of rejections all the way back to their childhood. This may have been a lack of attention from parents or family member or both. In addition, they may have been rejected by their peers as they grew up in their local communities. Believe it or not, this can greatly affect women as they become adults. It cripples their thinking and let's them have a feeling of wanting to belong or be accepted into a group or person. Starting a relationship with a guy who is emotionally available may be a way for the woman to prove that they are finally worthy after being rejected and unloved for so long. In fact, these women may think that finally, they have gotten an unlikely man to date them. It is like a reward for all that they have been through. It is sad, though because they are trying to compensate for what they might have missed during childhood and beyond. In this case, there is a negative and expensive price to pay.
There are so many individuals these days that fear commitment. They also fear being engulfed and being abandoned. When someone is engulfed, it means that you might be in a relationship where you feel as if the walls are closing in one you. It becomes too overwhelming for you because of the person's expectations from you and possibly the fear of being abandoned. So because you don't want to be in a situation where you are abandoned or engulfed, you would rather pursue a situation of uncertainty with an emotionally unavailable guy. It is the best option for many women because then they are living out their fantasy and they no longer have to deal with the risk of being abandoned or engulfed. So they become attached to this emotionally unavailable guy for security sake.
Women are emotional by nature. It is just a given. And because of that high level of emotion, she has the tendency to pick the person who needs compassion and who is weak enough to let her pamper him. She also wants to use her emotion to fix someone that she thinks needs to be fixed and it usually works out to be the emotionally unavailable man.That is why it is unavoidable for her to fall for a guy like this. His unavailability not only presents a challenge, but it is attractive to her. She allows her emotions to rule her decision and most likely, she is going to give in to this man, hoping that she is able to change him. She might even assume a motherly role in his life because this is what most women are designed to do.
In some cases, many women react to current situations from a place in their past relationships where there were instances of feeling dismissed and disrespected. So, in this present situation with this emotionally unavailable guy, she tries her hardest to win his approval, hoping to right the past with someone else who did not give her the recognition she thought she deserved. Because of her insecure past, as soon as someone comes in her life and hits that button of insecurity, she gets hooked so easily.
A lot of women love bad boys, sociopaths, toxic men, or narcissistic men. Most of the time, these men are emotionally unavailable. The brain knows that this is not the way to go, but the biochemical elements of the body say otherwise. Most women have a propensity to gravitate towards these kinds of men because of the high, the addiction and the risk associated with it. In other words, the men become a drug to the woman and ' hard to let go. And more importantly, the man defines the relationship and the woman loves the excessive attention that she craves for and it makes her feel important to be rubbing shoulders with a 'bad boy' who she believes is her protector. The connection that develops would have been initiated from the biochemical bonds and not from genuine standards. In other words, flattery, steamy sex, amazing dates, romantic gestures and lots of gifts are the precursor of how the brain will see this as a major deal, forcing the emotions and hormones to react in a positive way toward this.
It is best to take baby steps and be very wary about a situation that just seems that good to be true. Review the situation if you think you are falling too fast for this person. Stepping back and looking at the situation will allow you to create the boundaries necessary to keep you from getting hurt. There are lots of clues, but some women fail to confront them, preferring instead to believe the unbelievable. Dating a person who has emotionally unavailability tendencies means that you will get hurt. When you do get hurt, instead of playing like a victim, you should use the experience to be on the lookout for this happening again in the future.
It is usually unavoidable to fall for an emotionally unavailable man because we tend to want all the things that we cannot get. If you are a woman with an unresolved past, you want attention by all means necessary or you are attracted to a certain kind of man, you may not be able to avoid falling for an emotionally unavailable guy. Whatever, your choice, the outcome is going to have to be handled by you.
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