When it comes to monogamous relations, VS casual ones , it is very personal as to which is the right decision is for you. At certain times in our lives, casual sex may sound a lot better than monogamous, and flip flop. It is easy to see why someone would like either better. A monogamous relationship can be nice to someone who has been out of one for a while. Someone who cares about you, and someone who is still around after orgasming. It is nice to have someone there who wants to hold you and hang out with you no matter what mood you're in and no matter if you want to have sex or not. Sometimes it can take a while to figure out someone else's body. It can take them a while to get to know yours, so if you are having sex with one person for months and even years, they are going to know your body like no one else and your sex will end up being better.
Casual sex is a lot different. If you are wanting to be on your own without any distraction, this lifestyle is the way to go. A downside about being with someone who doesn't know your body is that they won't be able to please you as well as someone who does. If you are having casual sex with someone who you have been seeing for a while now, you will have the privilege to understand their body as they will yours.
Monogamy is having one partner at a time. You are either in a relationship with them or are married to them. You are both aware that you are in a relationship with one another and have agreed not to see other people. You both only have sex with each other.
Being in a monogamous relationship can be fulfilling, especially if you and your partner are constantly on the same page. When you are with someone who you can be yourself around and who you are comfortable with, it can be easier to connect sexually. If you have already decided to be with one another you must have quite a strong connection already. If you are with someone who you connect with on a level more than sexually, there is a good chance that you will be able to connect sexually. Sometimes, depending on who you are, it is easier to have good sex with someone you are comfortable with. If you are hooking up with someone casually or as a one night stand it can sometimes be unfulfilling especially if you do not know each other well enough and can end up feeling... like nothing. If you are in a monogamous relationship as a pose to a casual one, it can be easy to say that your sex life will slowly become more boring and flat, but that is you and your partners job to keep things up to high standard, and there are a lot of things that you can do to keep your sex life interesting.
There are some downsides to monogamous sex. If you are in a monogamous relationship and all of a sudden feel bored or like you don't want to be in it anymore, feelings are going to be hurt and things aren't going to feel very good when/if it ends. If you let things continue even if you are unhappy, you may begin feeling helpless and will end up hurting your partner anyway. Relationships can be messy because there are tons of feelings and emotions attached to them. Not in any way are we staying that you should not get into a relationship, but there are some things that can happen in relationships and are not fun when it comes to sex.
An Un-Monogamous relationship is one where you and your partner are allowed to have other partners as long as you tell your partner everything. If you are going on a date with another person, you have to tell them. If you are planning on having sex with another person, you also have to tell them. There are many things that go into a un-monogamous relationship like trust and openness which can really help with forming a strong relationship. Some couples choose to do this because they don't want themselves or their partner to be held back from doing everything that they want to in life. Being in a monogamous relationship can be hard sometimes if an opportunity appears and you are interested. You have to act like you aren't, shove it to the bottom of your brain and go on.
In a relationship like this, you wouldn't have to act like this. All you would have to do is tell your partner what is going on, and since they agreed to be in this type of relationship in the first place, they really shouldn't have a problem. There can be no signs of jealousy when getting into a relationship like this because there is going to be a lot of stuff going on that could easily make one jealous. With a relationship like this, you are open to having someone you love and care for, but are also free to explore and do what you would do if you were single. This doesn't necessarily mean hooking up with everything that moves, but acting on opportunities that you are genuinely into. Finding someone else interesting and beautiful isn't a bad thing anymore, knowing a man is handsome and being able to tell him isn't out of the picture either.
There are many things that you can do in an open relationship that you cannot do in monogamous relationships, but at some point does it get to be enough? Do people end up falling out of love at one point or another? Do people get jealous even when they say they wouldn't? I'm sure that these types of behaviours happen in other relationships but when it comes to an open one, things can get tricky.
A casual relationship, or an un-monogamous one, is when you and the person in question are able to see other people. You are not tied down to one another, but you must remember that you are BOTH allowed to see other people. This can cause confusion if feelings begin to form. When it comes to any type of romantic relationship (including casual ones), there are three steps: lust, attraction and attachment. Situations can become quite hard for you and the other person if you have been hooking up with them long enough to get to the attachment stage. This is the stage that we all know... the state when one person starts catching feelings for the other and things begin to sink. A lot of the time, one person will keep hope that maybe this hookup arrangement can turn into something more, when most of the time it is exactly what the other says it is. A casual hookup and nothing more.
Casual sex is a lot of fun for those who are disinterested in getting into a relationship. You can not want a relationship for many reasons, but the way we are wired as human beings, we want to find and be with one person. When it comes to sex, it's all about attraction and chemistry in the bed. You can literally have nothing in common with the other person other than wanting to have casual sex with them. This makes it a lot easier to find a partner. If you are having casual sex with multiple different people, it will be more difficult to explain your fantasies and for them to fulfil them. When you have sex for the first time with someone, it usually isn't everything you'd like it to be, unless your hookup knows the opposite sex's body very well, you will be having a lot of half assed sex. If you are having casual sex with one person, there is a better chance that you will be able to learn one another's bodies, meaning that the sex with be better and you will be more fulfilled. The good thing about having casual sex with someone is that you do not have to be in a relationship with someone. If you are in a casual relationship, there is a chance that feelings may grow and people may get hurt. Whether we like it or not, when we have sex with someone it forms bonds. Sex helps us grow trust, love and empathetic bonds towards one another. This occurs because of the Oxytocin being released during sex and when orgasming. This is usually referred to as the "cuddle hormone" and can make things extremely messy if you aren't too careful. Casual sex can also make one more confident, happy, adventurous and excited, but once the person is gone, it can sometimes leave the opposite effect. Casual sex can be complicated depending on who you are and how you feel about it. There are three stages of love: lust, attraction and attachment. If you get caught in the third stage with someone that you have been casually having sex with, it can make for a lot of unwanted issues. Attachment is usually the stage when someone becomes very interested in the other person. This is usually the stage where someone gets hurt. If you have become friends or have began relying on each other, it can be very hard to say goodbye, even as hard as it can be in a relationship.
Who is the winner when it comes to Monogamy Vs. Casual sex? After looking at both sides closely and carefully, it is an obvious win that Monogamous Sexual Relationships are the winners. There are so many factors that go into this obvious win. Even though monogamous sexual relationships wins, it doesn't mean that any other decisions you make are necessarily wrong, but there are a lot of things that will make a sexual relationship easier when being monogamous towards one other person. First, it's nice to have someone who you are actually interested in to have sex with. When engaging with multiple people or one person that you aren't really into, sex can turn out being very... blah. If you are having sex with someone you like but aren't in a relationship with, things can turn out very messy if in the end they end up not liking you the same way you like them. Of course it's not only hookups that can go south, but so can relationships. The only difference is that when you're in a relationship, you know that both people care about one another. At the end of the day, depending on you, what you believe in and what truly works for you, monogamy or casual sex are both great in different ways. Sure, being in a monogamous relationship may be easier, but being in a casual one can be way more exciting and freeing. If you are a free spirited person who would rather not be tied down, monogamy may not be the easiest thing for you. If you are a grounded person, you may enjoy being in a monogamous relationship better... It all depends on you and how you feel when you are in different relationships.