Depending on who you are, hooking up on a regular basis can be a good or bad thing. Depending on if you are hooking up monogamously or not, there can be ups and downs to each. Being comfortable while being intimate with someone is very important. Sometimes, we have this idea in our heads that we are totally fine with hooking up with multiple people on a regular basis, but then when ideas start racing through our heads at a certain point it can become old and start making us feel regretful. Sometimes, one is totally fine with hooking up with multiple people on a regular basis and that is alright as well. The thing about being intimate with different partners is that you have to be extra careful about your health. When you are hooking up on a regular basis with someone monogamously, sex can be very healthy and fun especially knowing that your partner is clean and ready to go
An issue with hooking up with people you don't know, is that you have no idea if they are sexually healthy. As a whole, hooking up on a regular basis is healthy and fun for you and the partner involved whether you are engaging for the first and last time, or if you are in a relationship with one other person. There are many ways to look at this topic from different points of view and whatever one believes. So, is it healthy or unhealthy to hook up on a regular basis? Read below to find out what we really think!
Being in a monogamous relationship means to only have sex with one person. This can make things easier for you and your partner when it comes to 1. finding someone to have sex with and 2. knowing that the person you are having sex with is clean and safe to be with. This can cut down a lot of the stress that often comes along with hooking up regularly. Sex is a de-stressor and can be a wonderful tool when you are stressed. This is not an act that should stress you out more than you are originally. If you are a male and are having sex with a female, you will know and trust if your partner tells you that she is on birth control. If you are hooking up with someone you hardly know, you don't know what could possibly come out of a simple one night stand.
Having sex is pretty much the only thing that separates you and your partner from being roommates. Hooking up with your partner will actually bring you closer together and will give you more of a sense of romantic relationship as a pose to just a friendship. When hooking up at home, it is almost like a little getaway. First, you can do it anywhere, and even if you are used to only doing it in the bedroom, you can get interesting and make things fun and exciting. Sometimes, when you move in with your partner, sex can come less and less often. If you are continuously having sex, it is a good sign!
When a couple is having too much sex, all it means is that you have a good relationship. Good sex is usually a pretty good indication that the relationship is running smoothly. Remember, good sex = good relationship. Of course you can have good sex and not be in a relationship at all, but if you have been with someone for a while and are still doing what you have to do in the bedroom, you guys are doing something right. Not only is sex and hooking up fun, but it can also help with your communication skills. While you are having a good time together, you are constantly using body language or actual language to determine what comes next or what's working, or even what's not working. Doing this can actually create a stronger connection when it comes to communicating on a daily basis! When one orgasms, it actually creates a stronger bond between the two of you. When you orgasm oxytocin is released which is one of the key ingredients to forming: love, trust and strong bonds. It also helps reduce fear, which definitely has to do with why we become so calm when we're finished.
Hooking up in un-monogamous relationships can be fun and exciting. The only thing that can become worrisome is who you are doing it with, and if this person is healthy. It can also be awkward bringing up whether someone is on birth control or not. There are a lot more conversations that need to be had if you are hooking up with multiple people. When you are only hooking up with one person it is easy to have one or two conversations and be able to go forward from there.
The worst part of having healthy one night stands is that you have to constantly have awkward-ish conversations. There are many questions that you should be asking before hooking up with someone to make sure that you don't have any issues arise later on. Asking when they have been checked last is a big one. Another one is asking whether or not the woman is on birth control. This can cause quite a headache later on if you are not careful. There are many other questions to ask and that you should be asking if you are wanting to make sure you are having the safest sex possible.
If you are looking for one night stands, they can sometimes be hard to find. This is a downside of relying on one night stands and un-monogamous relations to have sex on a regular basis. You can always find a regular hook up partner on an adult hookup website or dating app. You can usually tell who is online looking for that type of relationship. One reason that you can sometimes run into trouble when looking for a casual hookup is that you may have trouble finding one. When you have one person who you are in a relationship with it is easy to have sex on a regular basis. Even if you are not in a relationship and have a person who you casually hook up with, it's better than having to find someone new every single time you feel like hooking up.
Whether you are hooking up in a monogamous or un-monogamous relationship, there are some things that are exactly the same. When it comes to health benefits to having safe sex, everything is exactly the same. At the end of the day hooking up is hooking up and if you are being safe, it is healthy to do on a regular basis. Whether you are in the state of your life where you like having one night stands and hookups, or if you are happy to settle down and have one sexual partner, you are going to have a good time no matter what. Sex and hooking up is supposed to be fun and no matter how you look at things, they can be fun from any stand point.
Was your new years resolution a bust this year after promising yourself to work out every day? Well, what if we changed our resolutions to having more sex instead! The rumours are true. Having sex is extremely good for your body, stamina and health. Having sex also helps your heart rate, helps with excessive stress, burns calories QUICK and even helps you sleep better at night. Having sex at least three times a week is the best way to feel the benefits. Other health benefits that you will experience after having sex at least three times a week would be having a stronger immune system, helping with sleeping and anyone who deals with insomnia on a daily basis. Having sex actually lowers your blood pressure and can actually work as a type of aspirin or pain relief medication. If you are not an active person in the first place, replace your want to start working out with lots of sex!
Having sex on a regular basis is good for your self esteem. Sex is all about the ego and the more sex you have there is a chance that your self esteem will go up. You will become more comfortable with your body and more comfortable with your sexual self. When you start having sex when you're younger, it is easy for us to be insecure and uncomfortable with pretty much everything, but as you grow older and realize that hooking up is supposed to be fun, and no one really pays attention to what you pay attention to, you become more confident. Another thing that sex helps with is making you feel more like a man/woman. Sometimes during the day you can get down on yourself. Say you have children... nothing about changing a dirty diaper is sexy, but after winding down and being able to have some alone time with your husband you may feel a lot better not physically, but also just feel more like a woman.
Is hooking up on a regular basis unhealthy? The conclusion would be absolutely not! Of course, there are ways to create an unhealthy sexual environment for yourself, but if you are being safe and practical when choosing your partners, how many partners and also staying safe, there is no reason not to have as much sex as you'd like! It is good for relationships, good for your health, and just down right fun! If you have been wondering whether it is a good idea to be hooking up as much as you are, go right ahead as long as you are being safe and smart! There are many benefits to having sex on a regular basis. You will be less stressed. Have you ever said to yourself, "that person needs to get laid"? it's because sex will de-stress you and will in fact make you happier. If you are stressed, try having sex. It is one of the best drugs out there! If you struggle with insomnia, sex is a very healthy way to put yourself to sleep. Having sex more often will actually boost your immune system. Those who have sex two or more times a week are more likely to take less sick days off! The more you have sex, the lower your blood pressure will become. If you are hurting anywhere on your body, try having sex. For the time being, your body will feel nothing but pleasure. After orgasming you will feel the pain again, but it's nice to have a small break from that pounding headache. Sex can sometimes be a tricky subject just because so many people have so many different views on it, but we hope you enjoyed this article on whether or not hooking up on a regular basis is healthy or unhealthy and answered any questions you may have had. There are many other articles about love, sex and relationships if you click the link below!