Summer is never too far in the distant future, despite the winter making it feel like it will never arrive. How do you prepare to go on a dating dietfor the upcoming summer and other summers to come? You don't want to be stuck in a bad relationship forever since it is similar to junk food where you cannot get enough of it. One minute you are in a relationship and the next minute you are out. If you are one of those people described, then your MO could be starting out with that craving and hunger to always have a companion at your side. Nothing is wrong with this until you allow it to escalate into a sense of neediness and loneliness, if you don't get your craving met.
Going on a dating diet doesn't mean that you have to completely stop dating, but it is recommended that you stop for at least two months, if you are consistently choosing the wrong men. You stop to reassess what you are doing wrong and take step to make it better. If you can be discipline enough as you learn more about yourself, then it is OK to choose a casual hookup here and there with guys that don't pose a threat to your dating diet such as an ex that you amicable ended the relationship with and who may still be a good friend. You could also consider hooking up with that person you mistakenly thought was your soul mate or someone that is outside of your comfort zone.
You will always make bad choices, if you feel that your insatiable need for a relationship is not met. In fact, you may just go out and grab anyone who seems to be available at the time or you might seek out a specific type of individual that appears to meet your expectations with one look at them. How immature, right? But, there is no telling you otherwise. There is no wisdom to your decision. When you see the hot stud or sexy gal that you MUST HAVE, it becomes exciting and then through the summer, you all meet up and have a blast. However, as that euphoria wanes and the relationship begins to show signs of wear and tear, you start to have second thoughts. The passion has cooled down and what you have left is not as satisfying as you first wanted it to be. In some cases, this kind of situation can be quite harmful to you emotionally. The effects could be devastating over the long term. So, you have to be very careful.
How is your dating life and how do you view dating altogether? Are you jaded or stuck in that rut when it comes to dating? Are you prepared to make changes and revamp or refresh your dating routine? Well, you are going to need to make certain moves for a healthy and fulfilling dating slate that you will need for the upcoming summer. If you are one of those people that don't take telling from anyone, then you are going to have to do so now. Your dating diet has to change so you will know how to make the right choices after the summer has past.
If you really want to participate in a hiatus for the upcoming summer as it relates to dating, you should be aware of your bad choices. Once you decide to make changes, you have to learn how to be consistent with it. This is going to be your first step toward a dating diet this summer. You also have to be quite practical and reasonable with those intentions. If you are accustomed to dating casually each week, then a two month break is a great refresher. If you have had a long term relationship, say for 3 to 4 years, then a 30-day dating diet is not going to help you shed all that burden and drama.
The more calories or dudes you lose during your dating diet this summer, the better it is for you. And the sooner you do so, even better. If you find that you are seeking instant gratification from someone of the opposite sex, then you should discontinue that relationship because it would be headed for disaster. Lose the dude. You should also put away the junk food, which is your dating app. Junk food or fast food only packs on the calories and that is what your dating app will do as well. You will have this craving for the dating app and all it is going to do is to have you searching for new men all of the time. You don't have to delete your dating website account. However, you could have it disabled for at least a month or two. This is not going to be easy, especially if you are a dating app junkie. But, with willpower, after a few days, you will find it coming naturally to you. Don't give up at the first sign of weakness. Give it some time. But, get ready for those withdrawal symptoms where you suddenly want to ditch the idea and go back to your dating app ways. You might go through feelings of frustration, anger, impatience and even self-deprecation. You are detoxing all that clutter and so of course, it is going to feel uncomfortable.
The first couple of months in a relationship are like a sugar rush. It can be quite blissful as you get to know each other, but sooner or later, the reality will hit. You can use the first couple of months to judge whether the relationship will be long term or not. Most dating relationships will go for up to six months before the issues surface on both sides. In many cases, you will realize that you are not the right fit for each other. Therefore, it is best to take your dating diet seriously and ditch the sugar until you have completely detoxed. Then, you will be more prepared to deal with the dating game sensibly and responsibly.
When you stay in a relationship for the wrong reasons, even though, you are not happy, but because you don't want to be lonely, you would rather stay than leave. You use the relationship like how people use food for comfort. Some people do this out of fear that they won't find someone else. Or, they might be feeling the same way about the person as they initially did. In other words, the passion has not yet waned. This is no time to remain comfortable, if there is only passion and no sign of a future. It is then the right time to go on a dating diet by cutting ties and sticking to your decision.
You may be the kind of person that knows someone is not the right choice, but you make the choice anyway. You are the perfect candidate for a dating diet this summer. You are one of those people that need a hiatus so you can be schooled about how to deal with these kinds of things. Fast food might taste good, but it is not healthy for you. The same is true with those drive by relationships where you give yourself to this 'bad boy' or 'bad girl' who is toxic and will do no good for you, even though, you know it before you indulge in it. It is a tendency with you and it seems like you cannot help yourself. You need help! You need to go on a dating diet.
It is so easy for any of us to get involved with someone toxic and not even think about the end result. You may not even realize how toxic it is for you until it is too late. There are some people that know deep down that the relationship is toxic for them, but they refuse to even acknowledge it. If you are one of those people, it is best to step away from the relationship so you can evaluate whether or not, you are getting anything out of it or you are being used. If the relationship is one sided, it means that you should take inventory and be honest about what you find, thereby taking the right actions to make sure you are not giving up yourself for nothing.
Most people love to have some guilty pleasures now and then. Nothing is wrong with that - as long as you do it in moderation and you can handle the temptation. While you are on your dating diet and if it seems too restrictive, you can have one of those guilty pleasures along the way by hooking up with someone casually on occasion. A one night stand wouldn't be off the cuff. Some of the people you could casually hook up with would be the ex-boyfriend that you are still friends with. You could also hook up with the guy who you thought had gotten away or the one you thought could be your soul mate. You have to be very discipline with this little distraction or you will find yourself right back where you started. In other words, don't overdo it and don't let any of them talk you into more than just a casual hookup.
OK, now while you are on your dating diet, it does not mean that you cannot make the healthy choices as a way to experiment. In the product world, there are healthy and unhealthy foods. Many people choose the latter. In the dating world, there are healthy and unhealthy choices and the same is true of the choice that most people often make. During your dating diet, you are going to choose healthy. For example, your dating diet does not have to mean abstaining entirely, but you can choose to date someone that you would not typically date. It could be someone shorter or heavier than you. It could be a brunette instead of that hot blonde.
You could date a person that is a nerd or date a guy who thinks he is a jock. If you dated a macho guy in the past, look for that guy that is more sensitive and feminine. You could also date outside of your race, culture, age group and nationality. Consider dating a philosopher, a polyamorous individual, an environmentalist, musician or nudists. What it means is that you are coming out of your comfort zone and getting out of that box to explore other dating options. You are still on the dating diet, but making healthier choices instead.
Your dating diet may include things you have never tasted before that has an acquired taste. You may not have flirted with someone in the grocery store before, but what's wrong with that? While standing in the line at a local grocery store, check out someone who you would never in a million years think about asking out on a date or flirt with. This is going to be foreign to you but remember, part of the dating diet is to step out of your comfort zone and try new things that could be better for you.
Now, you have gotten to the savoring stage where you have been able to cut through the sugar high. It wasn't easy, but you did it. You now realize that even the staleness and rigidity is gone from your mind and body. Now, you are aware of what is good for you. You know you should be taking your vitamins and eating foods that are nutritious. In the dating world, it is similar. You now know how to savor good men or women. You are aware that the right person should be able to encourage, inspire and motivate you and not drag you down with them. You will learn what to expect in a partner and realize that the little things count too such as sneak kiss, a sexy look or a good joke to make you laugh and be happy.
Now it is time to shed that fat; once and for all. Shedding the fat means that you will be more practical in your choices. You will understand that you can feel whole without being on a weekend date with someone random or even someone you know. You can be alone at home doing something you like. You will know how to keep your own company and not have to rely on someone to do this for you. You will keep busy doing things that will advance your goals. Now, you don't even have the patience for the silly summer flings. You have been realigned and committed to improving yourself.
You have made it. Your dating diet has allowed you to stop dating for the sake of it. You now spend your valuable time doing things that help you. You are no longer putting your heart out there to be broken over and over again. You love being by yourself and are no longer desperate for attention. And you have made up your mind not to fall for the wrong guy by taking time to make good choices for yourself.
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