Do extroverts actually have more sex? Short answer, yes but let us explain to you every side of this question to give you some insight. Nowadays, it seems that majority of people are introverted. Who can say why! But that is just the case. However, does being an introvert mean that you are having less sex than your extroverted siblings? We have dug deep and taken survey about whether or it matters how outgoing you are, who really has more sex? We talked to a university professor to get some hard hitting facts and we are bringing them home to you so you can make informed decisions about who has more sex and if that really matters in the end.
To get things rolling, we should be talking about what it means to be an introvert or an
extrovert. That way you can figure out what category you are in. This will help you
get out of your shell and figure out how to have more sex. Because at the end
of the day, isn't that the most important thing?
Let us help you have more sex.
It doesn't matter if you are outgoing to a bit shy. You still deserve to do something
great for yourself.
An extrovert is someone who has no problem talking to new people or being in front of an audience. It means they are outgoing. Now, this does not necessarily mean that they are the life of the the party by any means, but it does mean that they do not cling to the wall or what they are comfortable with. You can go to parties alone because you don't really like being alone. You have tons of friends and you usually have a fairly full roster of things to do during the week with other people. Tons of events on your calendar.
The obvious upside to being an extrovert is that you are in control of most situations. You don't mind meeting new people an you get energized when you are just around people. This is great for most people. You don't have trouble starting conversation, you are good at job interviews. Stuff like going to parties solo, taking a drop in class, things like this are easy for you. You are always posting on instagram or facebook. You like to text with people all the time. These are all great things when it comes to meeting someone at the bar. You won't have to worry about using dating apps with your personality. You have no trouble buying a drink for a stranger just to start up a conversation. Meeting someone and hooking up is probably very easy for you.
The downsides to being an extrovert and dating is that you might come off as being too confident. You might come off as being a player. You need to switch up your pick up lines all the time if you want to have sex as often as you would like to. It is as simple as that. You need to play the game but be sly about it. Being in a relationship with someone who is an extrovert is also fairly hard as well. You never know if they are flirting because being with someone who talks to everyone can be hard. You never know what kind of relationship he has with those people and this can create jealousy. You need to stay on top of that. You need to bring that flirt home to your partner. Another downside about being an extrovert is that they aren't usually the most exciting in the bedroom. They often don't perform as well as their introverted brothers. They have so much flash in their everyday life that they don't have much else to give in bed. Not all are like this, but some people are. It is like having sex with someone who is really good looking. They never really had to be good because they were so hot and no one expected much out of them.
Introverts are the shy kids in class. This doesn't mean that they are weird or anything. They just enjoy being alone. They find they are more productive when they do assignments on their own and can work by themselves. They enjoy having alone time and they are comfortable to do it. These are the kinds of people who can go and see movies alone or take themselves out to dinner in the city and not think twice about it. They are outgoing in their own way. But mainly, they recharge better when they are solo.
When it comes to dating the benefits about being an introvert is that you often come off as mysterious. You become the person that people are intrigued by. You become a fetish to most people. They want to know more about you because you aren't the life of the party. You find more enjoyment out of a book than you do about the party. When people get to know they see that you aren't shy at all, you are just choosy about who they open up to. This makes you a great person to date because when you get involved with someone, you get involved with all of them. Every part of them. This is great when you are trying to hook up with people. You will only focus on one person and this will make them feel as though they are special, which in turn will always work in your favor. A really great upside to being an introvert is that usually introverts are kinky in the sack. This makes hooking up with someone very fun. You get to release your wild side and show people that introverts are more exciting in the bed.
The downsides to being an introvert and going out there into the dating world is that, while you can be seen as mysterious, you can also be seen as a bitch. This part sucks. Sometimes, it might seem like you aren't having fun when you are. You might just look like that bitchy friend because you aren't dancing on the tables. At the same time, talking to people you just met is hard, so unless they are an extrovert who wants to talk a bunch, you have trouble holding a conversation. This can make it hard to meet people, and make it even harder to hook up with people.
So, who has more sex? From a recent study from the Penn State professor William Raid, he explains to us that extroverts have more sex. "It is proven, 77% of women would rather go for a guy who has a bit more confidence. Meaning, that because extroverts can really put themselves out there, have a better chance at finding someone to sleep with then their introverted counterpart. However, when it comes to getting into a relationship, 84% of women would like to date an introvert because they are more sensitive and usually not as intense. Introverts do better in the long run."
With that information, we know that extroverts will have more fun, but introverts will be the ones who get married. This information after all is just a statistic and you don't have to take it to heart.
This can be a good thing for you. Just because one extrovert might have more sex than an introvert, doesn't mean that all extroverts have more sex. There are always exceptions to this rule and every single person is different in their own ways. You don't need to put any thought into this.
If you think that you are not having as much sex as you should be having, then let us help you get yourself out there and meet someone. This section is mainly for the introverts, as extroverts usually don't have a problem finding someone to hook up with. There is no problem there. Introverts, listen up and we can help you have more sex this week.
If you don't like going to a bar to meet new people, then go online. This is where you might end up finding the best people and people you didn't think you would normally connect with because you aren't the outgoing type. You can be yourself without any nerves or obligations. You can be yourself and it's all done through a chatroom which takes all the pressure off. This way you can see if this person is worth your time. Plus, that way when you meet up, you already know a bunch about each other and you will hopefully not have any awkward moments where you don't know what to say to each other. If you are forced to meet someone out in a social situation, then you just need to up your confidence by 10% more. You just need to look hot (but also, like you aren't trying to look hot) and if you get into a situation where you have nothing to talk about with someone, just keep asking them questions. The more you ask them questions, the more into them you seem and this will be good for you if you are trying to sleep with them. Sometimes, you just need to get outside of your comfort zone and you will find yourself in some really great places.
However, if putting yourself out there is too hard, then don't go at it fast. Take your time. Try getting your friends to hook you up with people. Or hang out with a new coworker to see if you get along. There is always someone out there who wants to help you. This makes finding someone to hook up with a lot easier. Again, you can always use hookup app dating websites like AdultHookups and find someone at your own pace. This will be good for you and it will get easier over time. You won't become an extrovert, but you will become more comfortable with as time goes on.
Even with all the facts we have presented you, at the end of the day, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. What matters is what you think. Are you happy when it comes to getting some action? If you are than whatever you are doing is working and it you aren't, you know how to change it. You don't have to make big changes but you can join something like Tinder and meet people at your own discretion and you don't have to talk to anyone you don't want to. This is just an article, mind you. None of this is something you should be concerned about. If you are happy, then none of this matters. This isn't a competition by any means. You are a winner no matter what.
As you can see, it doesn't matter what type of personality you have. You are both doing so well. Just because extroverts seem like they can get more people just because they are outgoing, it doesn't mean they really do. If you want to get more hookups, you just need to put yourself out there. Use dating apps or go to a bar. If you just put in a little bit of work, then you can do whatever you want because you will be doing it for yourself! You do you! If you want to hook up more, then do it. If you are happy with where you are at, then stay there. In the long run, it's all about what matters to you. If you are satisfied with the amount of sex you are getting, then that is all that matters.
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