


What Not To Do During A Hookup


We've all made mistakes when it comes to hooking up. Depending on who you are hooking up with whether it is someone you just met or someone you've known for a while, there are some things that you just shouldn't do or even think of doing. Some things that you should do are: make sure that the person is good to go (has a condom, are on birth control, are healthy), and make sure to have fun! What is the point in doing it in the first place if you aren't going to have a great time? Since there aren't too many things about what you should be doing during a hookup, here are some things that you should NOT be doing.

Don't Take Things Too Seriously

Being in situations like these can sometimes pull a serious side out of us so that we don't hurt. If you put up a front and take the situation as serious as you can, you cannot feel anything for anyone. Do not do this! It isn't worth you not having a good time. If you find yourself slipping down the "too serious" slope, go to the washroom and re-start. Remember that you are here for fun and they are too. Loosen up and play around, you only live once you know! Also, whether you are having a one night stand, you are hooking up with someone who you've known for a while, if you're hooking up with someone you've been hooking up with for a long time or you are hooking up with your partner, have a good time! If you feel like you cannot have a good time with this person, call it off. In the long run you will feel better that you had.


Again, take things lightly, joke around, flirt, tease, and just be yourself! This will force them to let themselves go and things will not only feel better on the outside, but they will also feel better "on the inside", if you know what I mean. Another thing not to take too seriously with a hookup is when the other person leaves right away or if you are forced to leave right away. It's okay, usually thats what happens with you are hooking up with someone. Just keep it moving and either call that person again or don't. If you can't shake the fact that you have just been kicked out or feel abandoned, you probably shouldn't be doing this in the first place. Above all, don't be afraid - don't take things too seriously during a hookup!

Don't Expect A Call or Text


We are in a hookup culture at the moment, and whether you like it or not, there are going to be sometimes when you hookup with someone and they don't get back to you afterwards. This can often make people feel used or severely unhappy, but you really just have to remember that this is how it goes. Sometimes people will not call you back and that's okay. Sometimes you will not want to call people back and that doesn't mean that you thought they were at a terrible person, but you may not be interested in doing anything again. Don't think too much into it, wondering what's wrong with you and what you did wrong, probably nothing. Just keep it moving and find someone else to hookup with! Normally if a date goes well we expect a call or text, but even if a hookup goes well, there is a chance that you will not get a call.

They are two totally different situations that you have to understand before going into so that there are not any surprises when you don't get a call, or you don't get a text. Know that this can happen and you will be fine when it does.

Don't Stay Too Long Afterwards

If you are at your own house hanging out with your hookup you don't have to worry about this step. If you are chill, enjoy hanging out with this person and have nothing to do afterwards, you will probably be alright with this, but not everyone is. When hooking up, try not staying too long afterwards. If you are staying the night try to leave early in the morning. If you are there at any other time of day, try leaving within 10-15 minutes afterwards. That is a good amount of time to get yourself cleaned up and ready to leave. Those who overstay their welcome can come off as annoying, or people who are just not getting the message. If afterwards you shower, brush your teeth and then hop on the couch to watch a movie, your hookup may look at you like you're crazy. It's different if they ask you to stay and hang out, but if you make up your mind to stay at their house without being invited to stay, it makes you come off as a bit crazy. Do what you came to do and then hit the road! This is another step that you have to remember to remember in order to have a successful hookup.

No Coworkers! Ever!

This may seem like a good idea when you and your crush are in the copy room alone while staying late, but it never is! Relationships and hookups are both off limits to those working along side you. It can make things awkward, and never make work the same again. If you really want to hookup with someone from work, quit first. It would probably be the better option (totally kidding), but just don't do it! Remember, one rule during a hookup is to stay away from anyone who works with you! You thought that things could get complicated while hooking up with someone you don't work with or have to see everyday... this can make for a very awkward work life. Not only for you and the other person, but also for the other people who are working with you. Energy is real and everyone would be able to feel it whether you are doing well with this person or if things are starting to get awkward.

Don't Feel Guilty

In today's society, it can sometimes be looked down upon to have one night stands or hookups. It doesn't really matter how other people may take it or how they will feel about it because it's really nobody else's business but yours. If you are alright with doing what you're doing, it really doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of it. If you do something you're not proud of, it's in the past and there is really no point in feeling shame and guilt. If one night stands and hookups aren't really for you or your taste, it's good that you tried! Now when you look back in a few years when you aren't allowed to have random one night stands or hookups, you'll be able to think about how you didn't like it and how you're in a better position now. Guilt all comes from what's going on in your head. Most of the time, guilt only comes from yourself. If you are allowing yourself to feel shame and guilt, then you can allow yourself to feel the opposite. Something that you do not want to do during a hookup is feel any guilt or shame before, during or after.

Don't Rush

Unless you are intentionally having a quickie, don't rush. Common, unwind, have some fun, share a few laughs, and don't take things too seriously. Have a good time with this person and put everything else aside until you are finished and gone.

Don't Go In With High Expectations

No matter what the guy looks or acts like, do not go into a hookup with super high expectations. Expecting too much usually leads to being very disappointed. If you are about to go and hookup with a very attractive man who you believe is going to be the best of your life, you may be wrong. There will also be times when you go in with very low expectations and end up having the ride of your life. There are so many different things to think about before heading into a first time situation, but just remember to not set your expectations too high. This isn't too serious of a situation where you need someone to rock your world or your heart will stop... things are going to be alright whether you have bad sex or not. Obviously, we all want that good stuff, but it doesn't always work that way! Along with expectations, don't start believing that if you do this you will be in a relationship with this person. There is a very low chance that you will get in a relationship after hooking up (not saying it isn't possible), but don't expect anything like that because again, if it doesn't happen, you may not be the happiest you have ever been. No expectations means that you will go in stress and worry free and will be able to have a good time no matter what happens.

Don't Be Mean

If you meet up with the person you are about to hook up with and you aren't feeling it like you thought you would, it isn't bad of you to call it off last minute. It may annoy the other person but it's better than you feeling uncomfortable the whole time. If you feel this way, you don't have to be mean about it but just let them know that you aren't feeling it anymore. Being honest is something that most people will value. Be honest, but don't be mean. If you are meeting up for the first time, make sure to meet up in a public place before heading to their place because it may be a little bit more difficult to get out of something if you are stuck at their house. Also, it is good to meet in public for other safety reasons as well. At the end of the day we are all just people trying to get laid by people who make us feel good. If you don't feel good when you are around a certain person, you are not obligated to have sex with them. Say sorry, but you aren't really feeling it and go on with your day and your life. They will too!

Please Don't Do It

There are lots of things that we probably shouldn't be doing during hookups that we do anyways. This is why the experts here at adulthookups have created this guide of "What Not To Do During A Hookup". We hope that our information has helped you as much as possible to the point where you have seamless hookups every time! If not, at least the fumbles won't be coming from you! With these tips, you will be able to hook up with someone and leave not feeling a thing but satisfaction! No emotions attached. If you are hooking up with a certain person, make sure to never hook up with another person from their friend circle. It is a bad look. All of these words will help when it comes to what you should and shouldn't be doing during a hookup.

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What Not To Do During A Casual Hookup

There are many things that we should not do or even think of doing during a hookup. Here are some tips and tricks to help during your next casual hookup.

What Not To Do During A Casual Hookup | Adulthookups